My house is an ivory color with grey trim. Grey. Not a fan. Not only that, two houses across the street have the exact same color scheme. Did the previous owner have no originality?
Everyone knows my color is red, so it should come as no surprise that I came out with a paint brush and some brick red paint. For an amateur, I think I did pretty well. All the window trimming are complete as is my porch. The last part is the roof trimming, which I'll put off until after the rainy season.
Great view of the hills. |
Another new addition is the screen door. When I purchased my 1890s parlor set, the proprietress gave as an old screen door for free. It's a definitely a charmer, but it was not in the greatest condition. My dad took a look at it and said, "I can fix it." And indeed he did.
As an added touch, my dad put the old spring on it so that door closes shut. It actually slams shut. It actually brings back old memories of my grandma's house. My cousin and I would go running out of the house, we'd push the door open and it was slam against the house. My grandma would get so mad at us. I can't help but smile and laugh. I miss my grandma and my summers spent at her house.
But I fondly digress. Here is the screen door on my home.