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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Stuff and 2016 Vintage Purchase #2

It's hard to find really good antique shops in the heart of San Francisco. Many tend to be ultra high end antique shops that service the 1% of the population. The prices are astronomical. If you want to find really good antique shops that house several dealers, you usually need to go down the peninsula or across the bay. Then I discovered Stuff. This is a post long overdue as I had discovered them over a year ago.
Stuff is a large warehouse of antique dealers selling all types of antique products: furniture, lighting, appliances, decor, jewelry, clothing, etc. I made my first purchase of a 1930s chandelier last February. Since then, I just browse the inventory until something catches my eye. 

One of my favorite artistic expressions is Art Deco. I try to collect as many pieces as I can; within reason of course. However, many Deco items are priced extremely high. Once, in awhile, I do get lucky. I bought an Art Deco dresser for $45 at an estate sale. At Stuff, there is an Art Deco display where nothing seems to be reasonably priced. The cheapest item I found was $175 for a tiny compact. This particular dealer isn't the only selling Deco, though. There are many others spread throughout. You just need to take the time to search all the inventory.

Around the time I bought my chandelier, I saw these two Art Deco chairs that I thought would look cute in my dining area. It was priced along with a table that I didn't need. I asked one of the workers if the dealer was insistent on selling with the table. He was. Some dealers are just too stubborn. I figured I'd just wait him out, and if it's meant to be, the chairs will still be there. Fast forward another 6 months and the table is gone but the chairs still there. This time they were priced at $90. I was still hesitant. Again, if it's meant to be, they'll be there. Another six months go by. Yesterday, I finally went back to Stuff. As I was walking up the second floor, I thought, if they're there, I'll take them no matter the price. 

Lo and Behold! The chairs were still there. This time they were priced at $65. I told one of the workers, "I'll take them." Then he dropped a bombshell. "You came at a good time. This seller is leaving this booth. Everything is 75% off!" Good knight! I wish he had more things available to my liking, but I walked away with those two Art Deco chairs for a whopping $17! I just love antiques on the cheap!

Next week, I'm planning on returning for this other Deco piece. It's pricey, but I wanted to wait until my next paycheck before I splurge. If it's meant to be, it'll be there. Stay tuned...

Thursday, February 18, 2016

New Beginnings

It's been awhile since my last post. Mainly it was due to either stress or lack of time. Nonetheless, the new year started off with a struggle. 

I was hospitalized last month for severe migraines. I've suffered migraines since I was a child (my first one at age 9), but they only lasted a few hours before it downgraded to a headache. This migraine was different. It lasted 3 days. I couldn't hold down any food. I vomited all contents including plain water. I couldn't even take medication because I couldn't keep it down. Eventually I had to go to urgent care to get well. What led to this could be several factors but stress was probably number 1. 

I knew what was making me stressed. My job. It began when I applied to and was interviewed by UC Santa Cruz. They were extremely interested in my skills, but I didn't get the position. I wasn't really broken up about it because I felt that getting an interview was a big enough accomplishment. Then I learned later that my director never submitted my teacher evaluations nor a recommendation. He had even admitted that he didn't send them because he didn't want me to leave the school. I was disheartened by that. He promised to increase my pay. 

Throughout my time there, I was constantly on the receiving end of his wrath. Not just me, but others at the school were also mistreated. He was always stressed out for reasons unrelated to work, but I guess he needed a punching bag.

Late last month, due to declining enrollment, two classes were collapsed. Rather than letting the teacher go, the director gave her two of my classes resulting in a very large salary decrease. Considering my contribution to the school, I felt it was completely unfair. Why put it mildly? I was angry. 

I decided to find another position elsewhere. Today I was offered a full-time administrative position at another school where I would develop curriculum and work more with teachers as the master teacher. I hadn't thought about leaving the classroom. It never occurred to me. I was also offered a much higher salary than what I was making before my pay cut. It's also much closer to home. I've been driving 70 miles round trip to my current position. Now it will only be a short BART ride to San Francisco.

After much reflection, I'd realized that I was no longer happy at my current position. Though I enjoyed teaching my students, I felt that my director never appreciated my dedication, work, and effort. It's time for me to move on.

This will be a new experience to embark on, but I welcome the new challenges.