Ms. Norma Jean was an avid dancer specializing in the stroll and jive. No matter the venue, no matter the floor space, Norma was on the dance floor jiving the night away, and if she couldn't find a partner, she'd get all the gals up to stroll with her. She was a truly sweet gal who brought a smile to everyone. Though sometimes she could be a bit of a firecracker when it came to defending her friends. She was nicknamed Pistol.
Stroll Nights
We organized Stroll Night at the Dollhut where we gave lessons to all the rockabilly gals with two left feet. We also provided baked treats (by yours truly) bringing in a huge crowd to what was once a dead weeknight. Norma and I shared a birthday, and we had a huge party there complete with a cake and piñata. The night ended with us doing our birthday stroll. Those were some fun times. A few weeks following our birthday, I threw a huge BBQ at my place where she performed a burlesque routine. It was always her goal to perform at her first Viva Las Vegas show. Unfortunately, that never came into fruition.
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Norma Jean leading the pack. |
November 9, 2003
It was 10 years ago today when I got the news that Norma was in a car accident and at the hospital. At first I thought, "Pistol will be alright. She'll be up and dancing in no time." But I had this nagging feeling that perhaps I should go see her. When I arrived outside her room, I found her mom crying. A few of my friends were already there. When I entered, I knew then that she wasn't going to make it. I remember hearing the breathing tubes, the beeping from the heart monitor, the sniffling sounds of those who stood around her hospital bed. After assessing all her injuries, the tears began streaming down my face. Her left arm was completely bandaged, her right leg was in a splint. Her neck was swollen and appeared twisted, her eyes were black. I remember the blood trickling out of her mouth and around the breathing tube the doctors inserted. Her chest was heaving, but I knew it wasn't her taking those breaths. It was the machines keeping her alive. I noticed the blood soaked towels that surrounded her head; her long black hair matted with blood. Her skull must have been cracked. I stayed for about an hour until the hospital staff asked us to vacate. They were taking her to the O.R. to harvest her organs.
Norma died that evening. She was only 21.
The Accident
She was driving home from a show when it happened. The light was green and she proceeded forward. From her left, the other driver sped through her red light and broadsided Norma's car. She was driving a Corolla. The other driver an SUV. She didn't have a chance. The girl who hit her was heavily intoxicated and also only 21 years of age. She was sentenced to 2 years but served only 8 months for good behavior. It may have been a light sentence, but I'm quite sure it's a heavy burden to carry for the rest of her years: the very thought that she took another person's life. Whoever she is and wherever she may be, I hope the experience made her a person who makes better choices. Never drink and drive.
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God Bless, Norma! May you continue to grace the dance floor in the kingdom of heaven. RIP
Norma Jean Avila
September 22, 1982 - November 9, 2003