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Sunday, March 23, 2014

2014 Vintage Purchases #3: Vintage Fashion Expo

I'm surprised it's been this long since my last Vintage Purchase entry. Nonetheless, I am back to my vintage shopping spree.

The Biennial Vintage Fashion Expo made its final stop at The Concourse. The Expo was much smaller than in years past; not even a fashion show. Regardless, there were plenty of exhibitors on location; many of whom I bought from on various past occasions. And it was those same sellers who sold me these lovely pieces.

1930s wrap dress
A 1940s dress from Skirt Chaser Vintage (I've been buying vintage dresses from this seller for over 10 years!)
This is probably my most delicate (and oldest) piece. A 1920s chiffon dress
I was quite sad to learn that there will no longer be The Expo at the Concourse. It's such a great location with lots of parking. The next Expo isn't until my birthday weekend. The organizers are still looking for a location but they are considering the Conservatory of Flowers at Golden Gate Park. Or maybe Cow Palace. Two completely different locations with different characteristics. Wherever the new location will be, I'm certainly looking forward to the next show.


  1. Christina from Skirt Chaser here! So happy to know you've been a customer for so long, out love of vintage goes waaaaaay back. XO -C

  2. Hi Christina! Definitely way back. I believe my first purchase from you was back in 2002 on ebay. It was a red Kamehameha dress. I need to venture up to Santa Rosa and check out your shop. See you again soon!
