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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

First Hike of 2014: Slacker Ridge

Slacker Ridge. Don't let the name fool you because it certainly fooled me. I was thinking I'd start simple since it's been a very long time since my last hike. Was I proved wrong. This trail is not for slackers. Clearly, my body is no longer conditioned for strenuous hikes. I'm only conditioned for swing dancing as I never lose my breath (or a beat).

Nonetheless, it was a beautiful trail. When I stepped out of my truck the smell of pine filled the air. It smelled like Christmas. As I ascended the hill, the sound of life fell silent. All I could hear was the crunch of gravel beneath my footsteps. It was absolutely peaceful.

I came to a cross roads, I turned north to reach the first peak. On my way up, I noticed a lady sitting and facing San Francisco. As I came closer, I noticed she was writing in her journal. Every person has their own method to record their hiking experiences. Some keep a written journal, others will photo document and comment on a blog.

At the peak was a beautiful view of the Golden Gate and the San Francisco skyline.

Even Daisy took time out to appreciate the scenic beauty.

Later, I walked across to the next peak where the was a breathtaking view from the East Bay to the Pacific Ocean. I took a couple of panoramic photos.

On my way back down the trail, I noticed several others in the Marin Headlands. Next Saturday will be The Coast Trail. Stay tuned.

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